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How to keep healthy this autumn

As we start to embrace the shift into the cooler days of autumn, our attention turns to preparing for the winter ahead. We may not be squirrels gathering nuts, but we can stockpile nutrients and goodness to help us stay healthy in the season to come.
your immune function and keep you well than Echinacea. Studies have repeatedly shown Echinaceam. Root extracts are the best way to take Echinaceand also the same ones that give good quality Echinacea extracts that distinctive tingle on the tong

Travelling With Ease, and Style

Whether travelling for work or pleasure, you want to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. For some of you, travel can be stressful- anxiety about flying, fractious children, long queasy car rides, but there is abundant herbal help at your fingert…
 Echinacea is the very best herb for this… choose an Echinacea combined with antioxidant berries and blackc

Growing Medicinal Herbs: an Interview

Visiting Tim and his family at their farm in late summer at the height of the Echinacea flowering season is a wonderful experience. Fields of tall purple Echinacea blooms sway in the breeze for as far as the eye can see, right up to the
one of his main crops is organic Echinacea pupurea which is grown for Kiwiherb.  Vis…eir farm in late summer at the height of the Echinacea flowering season is a wonderful experience.

Sleep Tight, Right Through the Night

As the winter hits and the sniffles set in Kiwiherb is a great decongesting option for your family.
oking to immune tonics containing the potent Echinacea root

7 Ways to Support your Immunity this Autumn

Seven tips to keep you nourished and healthy throughout the Autumn months - eat, sleep, be merry and take your herbal medicine!
grown organic Echinacea root is one of our very best preventative me… Kiwiherb Echinacea

Back Into the Groove

The beginning of the new year means the return to work, school and routine. Sometimes this can be a source of great stress, particularly if we did not get the chance to fully re-charge over the holidays. Here we give you some tips on how to find a place …
ted herb for easing all kinds of tension. Echinacea

Children's Rashes

The sudden appearance of spots or rashes on your child’s body will cause alarm bells to ring in any parent’s mind, fortunately herbal medicine can assist with improving healing times, reducing irritation and redness, and promoting tissue repair.
herbal medicines such as Echinacea Root can help to support the immune system t

The Kiwiherb way – what makes us different!

At the heart of what Kiwiherb does is a desire to provide high quality natural health products to the public – making health accessible and giving people safe and effective solutions.
grown Echinacea through to our Coromandel collected Manuka h

What's in the De-Stuff Products?

The De-Stuff products pack a powerful synergistic punch and learning what is actually in them explains how they work so well.
stion. Elder is cooling and decongestant. Echinacea … Echinacea purpurea The beauty of using Echinacea root in this formula is that it will support

Tips & Hints for Easing Spring Hayfever

If you struggle with hayfever then here are some simple tips to make your spring & summer more joyous.
rovide speedy relief from hayfever symptoms. Echinacea root is an excellent herb for balancing the …ymptoms. People often find that after taking Echinacea all winter for reducing infection

What do we get from Canterbury?

Canterbury has always been an area with a strong history of agriculture and horticulture, and this is where many of Kiwiherb’s medicinal herbs are grown.
ton specialises in growing certified organic Echinacea purpurea root. Click here to watchan intervi…ironment. Having seen the grand fields of Echinacea

Natural Immunity - Naturopathic Support

One of the key and most wonderful things about natural medicine is that it gives us tools to improve our immunity.
for when infection gets the better of us. Echinacea The root of the echinacea plant has been sho… Echinacea root can be taken preventatively at one dose

How to Stay Snot Free this Winter

Herbal treatments for excess mucus in the nose and sinuses ideally focus on treating the cause AND the symptoms. Find out how.
and Echinacea root is one of the best. Other herbs for all

Children's Immunity Support for School and Pre-School

School and pre-school can be a whole new ball game of new people, new bugs to share and new viruses for our kids’ immune systems to get to know. Because prevention really is the best medicine, putting a daily dose of Echinacea in the drink bottle can be a…
ria and viral insult is worth investigating. Echinacea is just such a herb. For kids… putting a daily dose of Echinacea in the drink bottle can be an easy way to si

Growing Medicinal Herbs: an Interview

Visiting Tim and his family at their farm in late summer at the height of the Echinacea flowering season is a wonderful experience. Fields of tall purple Echinacea blooms sway in the breeze for as far as the eye can see, right up to the shelter belts plan…
one of his main crops is organic Echinacea pupurea which is grown for Kiwiherb.  Vis…eir farm in late summer at the height of the Echinacea flowering season is a wonderful experience.

Spotlight on Kawakawa

Traditionally used by Maori not only as a medicine but also as a significant part of many ceremonies, Kawakawa is an important part of both the physical and spiritual worlds and revered for its innate power.
fferent therapeutic uses and is found in our Echinacea

What causes Acne and how to treat it

For some it is a benign cluster of white spots on the chin, for others an oily blanket of painful lumps across the back and chest. Thankfully our real friends, the herbs, are here once more to offer help and effective treatments both inside and out for ba…
good clearance of hormones via the liver. Echinacea root is a powerful tool in the treatment of …ing such conditions. The many different ways Echinacea acts in the body make it a perfect holistic

Supporting the Seasonal Allergen Response Naturally

Seasonal sensitivities are all too common in Australia, and the degree of symptoms can vary from just plain annoying to completely debilitating. Providing symptomatic relief by calming down the irritation is of the utmost importance, yet many people end u…
us production. While many people think of Echinacea of so much more. Often those who have taken Echinacea through the winter for immune support will f

Preventing Colds for the Whole Family

Supporting your immune system is something that natural medicine excels at. Herbs have been used since the dawn of humanity to keep the bugs at bay, and while we now know (thanks to science) more about how they work on our immune system, the simple fact r…
t immune herbs for prevention of illness are Echinacea Root and Olive Leaf.  Echinacea Root …Echinacea purpurea… Echinacea angustifolia…ady know that you can tell the quality of an Echinacea extract by how much in makes your tongue tin

Winter Wellness: Looking after Mums, Dads and Caregivers

There is much focus on how to look after our little ones through the winter months, and with good reason, but what about parents? As all parents know, keeping yourself well is essential to keeping the family running efficiently. As one Mum said to me yest…
t to actually prevent illness. Herbs such as Echinacea and Olive Leaf are prime examples of phyto